Play Along by TL Swan - Release Day!

Cover Design: Hang Le
Release Date: April 23, 2017
I witnessed a murder and became his hostage. Held captive beneath the deck of a shipping container…. I realise to save my life I need to become valuable. My body is my only weapon. His pleasure to my pain. 28 days is a long time to Play Along with his perverted demands. He thinks I enjoy them. It disgusts me that I secretly do. I hate him. I crave him. But my mind is stronger than my body and this time he picked the wrong girl to mess with. When the player becomes the played, escape will be my reality.
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A great read from TL Swan!!!
Play Along constantly had me on the edge of my seat wanting to know more and more about the characters and the plot!
There are so many moments within this novel where I thought I had everything figured out, something would change, and I would be back to square one trying to figure things out! TL Swan did an incredible job with writing this novel for me to have this uncertainty about where it was going!!!
I loved this novel, and hope that many others will go and purchase this novel for themselves!
4/5 Stars!
$20 Amazon Gift Card
About the Author
Lover of her husband, children, words, chocolate and margaritas. When she is not writing her next novel, you will find her in a café drinking coffee with friends. Writing is her passion.
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